Sungateway car maintenance supplies new high-tech god oil


Sunway car maintenance product set is 5+ 2, one bottle of anti-wear, one bottle of repair, 5 bottles of fuel system quick cleaning protectant

The first: engine intelligent anti-wear protective agent


Sunway engine intelligent anti-wear protective agent using American nanotechnology, is the latest nano magnetic single molecule environmental protection and energy saving scientific research achievements,

By China Petrochemical Research Institute inspection identified as the cutting-edge high-tech maintenance products. It effectively seals the engine of a car

The gap between the components protects the engine while effectively reducing noise and exhaust emissions. Add this product,

Uniform oil film can be formed on the metal friction surface, generating charged oil film molecules, so that the car in the cold start to avoid dry friction,

Keep your car engine in top condition for a long time. Professional formula, suitable for new and used cars.

Deepening maintenance effect:

Improve oil quality and viscosity at high temperature, increase sealing, improve oil performance, enhance engine power.

This antiwear agent can quickly form a hard and stable protective film on the surface of the worn parts, making the friction surface smoother.

Reduce wear, effectively reduce friction resistance.

The anti-wear agent contains special nano magnetic monomolecular super protective oil film, when the car stops moving, will not follow the engine

The inner lubricating oil flows into the sump to protect the engine at cold start, truly achieving "zero wear".

Quickly eliminate or reduce burning oil phenomenon, reduce noise and exhaust emissions, at the same time can inhibit carbon deposition, colloid and sludge

Formation, protect engine parts from corrosion, neutralize acid, prevent oil from high temperature thickening, prolong the oil change cycle.

Prevent direct dry friction between metals to avoid excessive engine and gearbox wear.

The second section: engine intelligent repair protection agent


Sungateway engine intelligent repair protection agent using American nanotechnology, is the latest nano magnetic

Single molecule environmental protection and energy saving scientific research achievements, by China Petrochemical Research Institute inspection identified as the top

End of high-tech cleaning and maintenance products, engine intelligent repair protective agent containing intelligent repair factor, can

Fast repair wear, restore cylinder pressure, effectively reduce noise, reduce wear, reduce fuel consumption; There are

Effectively restrain old vehicles burning oil, blue smoke and other phenomena; Improve power and acceleration performance, prolong

Engine life; Professional formula is suitable for gasoline (diesel) engine.

Nine functions:

☆ Save fuel, oil and other energy consumption.

☆ Nano particles automatically repair the wear surface of engine parts, to achieve efficient protection of the engine.

☆ Greatly improve the lubrication effect, significantly reduce the friction coefficient, reduce engine wear 80% - 90%.

☆ Dynamic repair wear, durable protection of the power system, prolong the service life of the engine 2-3 times.

☆ Improve the initial rotation speed, easy to start cold in winter.

☆ Restore the cylinder pressure of the engine, improve the power, 5%-35%,

☆ Can effectively reduce engine vibration, reduce noise, make the engine run more smoothly;

☆ Fully prevent the occurrence of corrosion of engine parts.

☆ Effectively improve vehicle burning oil, blue smoke and other conditions.

Section 3: Quick cleaning protective agent for fuel system


Sungateway fuel system quick cleaning protective agent, using American nano technology, is the latest nano

Magnetic single molecule environmental protection and energy saving scientific research achievements, by China Petrochemical Research Institute inspection identified as

Advanced high-tech cleaning and maintenance products improve and enhance engines by cleaning fuel lines and injection systems

At the same time, it can also eliminate the condensation of glue in the fuel pipeline, and reduce the crystallization rate of paraffin in the fuel

Degree, prevent fuel wax, reduce fuel freezing point, prevent rust and corrosion, and remove carbon deposition in the combustion chamber. It can be used when horsepower decreases and fuel consumption increases.

Deep maintenance effect:

Reduce the colloid content, increase the octane number of gasoline more than 7 labels. Strong removal of oil line system

And the carbon accumulation and gelatinous substance in the combustion chamber, improve the anti-knock property, decompose fuel water, enhance power, reduce noise,

Make the engine idle smooth, smooth operation, speed up faster. Improve fuel atomization condition, improve

High valve sealing, save fuel, protect three-way catalytic converters, purify tail gas, promote tail gas emissions

Up to standard.



Power system

Increase impairment reserve to inhibit sludge production and solve semi-dry friction

Deepening maintenance effect:

Improve engine oil quality and viscosity at high temperature, increase sealing, improve engine oil performance, enhance engine power.

This antiwear agent can quickly form a hard and stable protective film on the surface of the worn parts, making the friction surface smoother, reducing wear and effectively reducing friction resistance.

The anti-wear agent contains special nano and magnetic single molecule super protective oil film, when the car stops moving, will not flow into the oil pan with the lubricating oil in the engine, protect the engine at the moment of cold start, truly achieve "zero wear".

Quickly eliminate or reduce burning oil phenomenon, reduce noise and exhaust emissions, at the same time can inhibit carbon deposition, gum and sludge generation, protect engine parts from corrosion.

Neutralize acid, prevent high temperature thickening of oil, prolong oil change cycle.

Prevent direct friction between metals, avoid excessive wear of engine and gearbox, and prevent rust of parts.

Directions for use

1. Shake the balance before use

2.. Start the running engine until the engine reaches normal operating temperature, and shut off the engine.

3. Remove waste oil and remove filter, add new oil and replace new filter.

4. Open the bottle cap and add the right amount of protective agent to the normal level of oil.

5. Proportion of intelligent anti-wear protective agent and oil of engine: 325ml for engine displacement less than 2.4L, 15% of protective agent and 85% of oil for engine displacement greater than 2.4L


Through clear fuel nozzle and carburetor to improve and improve engine performance, at the same time, it can eliminate the frozen inside the fuel line, can reduce the crystallization rate of paraffin wax in fuel oil, prevent wax oil, the reducing fuel oil solidifying point, to prevent rust and corrosion, and cleaning nozzle and carbon deposition, multiple functions, found horsepower, fuel consumption increase a few use.


Open the cap and pour the whole product into the petrol tank. Each bottle can handle 40-60 litres of petrol. For engines with more than 20,000km of mileage, the fuel system has never been cleaned. It is recommended to increase the ratio to 20-25 litres of petrol for the first use of this product.


Advantages of maintenance products

The pioneering technology of welding repair, with the east China friction for rolling friction, avoid dry friction and semi-dry friction engine cold start, provide high efficiency lubrication. In addition to the lubrication, sealing, cleaning and cooling effects of traditional lubricating oil, it also has:

1. Automatically repair the worn parts and reshape the metal surface

2. Quickly restore and maintain the engine cylinder pressure, extend the service life of the engine 2-3 times

3. Reduce engine temperature, vibration and noise

4. Save fuel by 10%-30%

5. Reduce emissions and eliminate blue and black smoke from tail gas

6. Prolong the oil change period by more than 2 times


The fuel system

Quick cleaning protectant for fuel system

Is the latest nanotechnology, nano magnetic and single molecule scientific research, environmental protection and energy saving by China petrochemical research institute inspection identified as high-tech cutting-edge cleaning maintenance products, by cleaning the fuel injector to improve and improve engine performance, also can eliminate in the fuel line freeze at the same time, can reduce the crystallization rate of paraffin wax in fuel oil, prevent fuel paraffin deposit, Reduce the freezing point of fuel, prevent rust and corrosion, and clean the carbon and gum in the nozzle and oil circuit. Found that horsepower down, oil consumption can be used.

Deep maintenance effect:

Reduce the colloid content, increase the octane number of gasoline more than 7 labels. Clear the carbon accumulation and gelatinous substance in the oil circuit system, improve the resistance to violence, decompose fuel moisture, enhance power, reduce noise, maintain a smooth idle speed, speed up faster, prolong the life of the engine. Improve fuel atomization, improve valve sealing, save fuel, protect three-way catalytic converters, purify tail gas, promote tail gas emission standards.

Quickly decompose the water in gasoline, solve the water in gasoline caused by the fault;

Containing anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion components, to prevent corrosion 'improve combustion, improve fuel economy;

No damage to the components of the oil circuit system; Oxygen sensor, three catalytic converter harmless;


Engine intelligent repair protectant

Repair wear, reduce noise and reduce fuel consumption

Using American nanotechnology, is the latest nano and magnetic single molecule environmental protection and energy saving scientific research achievements, by China Petrochemical Research Institute inspection identified as the cutting-edge high-tech cleaning and maintenance products. Protective agent contains intelligent repair factor, can quickly repair wear, restore cylinder pressure, reduce noise, reduce wear, reduce fuel consumption, effectively inhibit the automobile burning oil, blue smoke and other phenomena, improve power, acceleration, prolong the service life of the engine, professional formula is suitable for new and used cars.

Directions for use

1. Shake the balance before use.

2. Start the engine and shut it down until the engine reaches the normal operating temperature.

3. Remove waste oil and remove the filter, add new oil and genghan new filter.

4. Open the bottle cap and add an appropriate amount of protective agent to the normal level of oil consumption.

5. The proportion of anti-wear protective agent and oil can only be used for the engine: 325ml for engine displacement less than 2.4L, and 85% for engine displacement greater than 2.4L.


Intelligent anti-wear protective agent for engine

Using American nanotechnology, is the latest nano and magnetic single molecule whitening energy saving scientific research achievements, by China Petrochemical Research Institute inspection identified as high-tech cleaning protection products. It can effectively seal the gap between the wear and tear of the car engine. Extension protection engine, colleagues effectively reduce noise, exhaust and prevent oil leakage. Add this product, can form a uniform oil film on the metal friction surface, produce oil film molecules with points, so that the car in cold start to avoid dry friction, can make your car engine in the best state for a long time. Professional formula is suitable for new and used cars.

Improve oil: wear resistance, cleaning and dispersing ability, acid resistance and oxidation resistance


Economic benefits

(According to a set of maintenance 40,000km)

1. Cars are generally maintained on highway 5000. Due to the super nano and factor of antiwear agent, it can maintain good sustained performance within 15000-20000 kilometers, which can prolong the maintenance period 2-3 times, equivalent to saving 4-6 maintenance costs, about $50 to $135 per maintenance, saving $333 to $500 total maintenance costs.

2. After using Sungateway products, the car can save about 20% of the fuel, calculated at $0.133 per kilometer, the fuel can be saved after using (40000*0.133*20%=$1064)

3. The fuel system of the car is generally cleaned at 30,000 km. Thanks to the sangateway fuel cleaner and protector, the fuel system is kept continuously clean, which is equivalent to saving $100 in cleaning costs.

4. Combined economic benefit: $417+$1064+100=$1581

5. Prolong the service life of engine stage 2-3 times
